
Thank you for bringing this teaching on Romans!

The entire team has done an outstanding job of communicating as God has answered your prayers for us.

I [Joel] began the conference summarizing Rom 1-10.  Imagine, it took 2 1/2 hrs to summarize what took a week to teach last trip.  This set the stage for the rest of Romans.

So we began on Romans 11-12. We moved from the certainty of our salvation in Christ to the ways we begin to change in our Christian walk.  “I appeal to you therefore by the mercies of God, present your bodies as a living sacrifice…”.  Working through the gifts, grace, love to others, how to respond to an enemy who harms us.  Imagine sharing such a message with people who have lived with years of war, unspeakable brutality, broken economy, and hardship on every front.  Romans says “give water and food to an enemy.”  They wrestled.  Sometime you would hear a lot of voices break out as they spoke to one another.

Yet, as these areas unfolded, they continued to drink in the teaching of God’s Word.  Then there were moments of celebration.  Singing.  Fervent prayers of thanks to God.  Smiles.  Praise God!  They don’t hide their amazement at God’s Counsel.

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